It is November! the weather is getting colder and the air is getting crisp, we at McPherson hope everyone is safe and healthy and wish you all a great start to the Holidays!
Ultraviolet (UV) monochromator works as spectrograph too. Wavelength optimized aberration corrected gratings from 2400 to 300 g/mm. Now a grating turret is available too! Every unit is ready for direct detection CCD or scanning applications from 30~1100 nanometers. Clean design is compact and easy to use with short wavelength light and delivered with wavelength calibration certificate
Sodium salicylate scintillator is a very effective method of visualizing invisible ultraviolet light. You can detect down-converted VUV wavelengths with UV-Vis photomultiplier tubes! Use our coated windows, or send us yours, we’ll coat them for you.
The 11th of November is the 51st anniversary of Sesame Street, an American educational children's television series that combines live action, sketch comedy, animation and puppetry. One famous character "the Count" could have helped last week.
Spectral test systems (STS) are broadly tunable spectral test and measurement calibration sources. Often used for seeker or image sensor QE and spectral responsivity characterization. The high throughput f/4 monochromator has a 4‐position grating turret. It works from 0.2~14 microns with resolving power of 1000. Typical systems feature a four inch collimated output beam. Reference detectors and sample mounts are considered with respect to customer requirements.
Do you need to collect light in both the deep UV and the Infrared? If a spectrometer is being used to deliver the most light possible or to collect a weak signal, higher collection efficiency, faster f number, and optimized optics are essential. The McPherson 207 and 207V are ideal for signal limited experiments in the VUV or the IR.
Call or email today if you think we can help. Meantime, stay safe and healthy!