The red planet is a busy place, great works by many people in these three missions to Mars. Congratulations Perseverance-Rover for a successful touch down! In case you missed it, Feb 20 was World Pangolin Day. The scaly mammals are no longer blamed for COVID-19 and their 15-minutes of fame may help, they are among the most heavily trafficked mammals.
Compact monochromator works as spectrograph too! Aberration corrected diffraction gratings improve performance in the deep UV. Optimized for the ultraviolet, every unit is ready for direct detection CCD or scanning applications between 30~1100 nanometers. A new grating turret is available to mount multiple gratings.
NEW! Aberration-corrected flat-field diffraction grating for 50~200 nm now available for the popular McPherson 251MX spectrometer. This grating helps link atmospheric-UVC to the Extreme-UV (XUV). Best for microchannel plate intensifiers or direct detection CCD detectors. Aberration correction provides best spectral resolution. 2400, 1200, 300 and 120 g/mm available now.
To help network and stay up to date the low temperature plasma (LTP) community started an online seminar series. Check the LTP’s schedule to see what interesting presentations are coming up.
Spectral test systems (STS) are tunable optical test and calibration systems ideal for seeker and image sensor response characterization. The high throughput f/4 monochromator has a 4‐position grating turret. It works from 0.2~14 microns with resolving power of 1000. Typical systems feature a four inch collimated output beam. Detectors and sample mounts are delivered per requirement.
Sodium salicylate scintillator is a very effective method of visualizing invisible ultraviolet light. Where UV light shorter than 300 nm hits the scintillator, you see down-converted wavelengths at 420 nm (purple). It works with a 'regular' photodiode or photomultiplier tube. Use our coated windows, or send us yours, we’ll coat them for you.
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