McPherson Spectrometers
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Happy springtime! Or autumn, if you’re on the other side. The change in seasons suggests hope to me, things are moving on, all will be okay. Of course, the ‘news’ is reporting that numbers are up and that numbers are down. Seems it depends on the source and geographic location. Stay well and safe everyone! Keep plugging away....

Tunable Spectral Calibration Sources Spectral test systems (STS) are tunable optical test and calibration systems, great for seeker and image-sensor characterization. The high throughput f/4 system has a 4‐position grating turret and works from 0.2~14 microns. Typical systems feature a four inch collimated output beam. Detectors and sample mounts are delivered per requirement.

spectrophotometer for UV-C Vacuum Ultra-Violet Analytical Spectrophotometer (VUVAS, ‘voo-vaas’) measures in the 120~350 nanometer range. Easily check transmission and reflection with goniometric control of sample and detector angle. Use the McPherson VUV to measure coatings theta 2-theta and even diffraction grating efficiency. Service / sample measurements available - call today!

Near Miss Day! Two days ago, the biggest asteroid to visit Earth this year cruised past. Back in 1989 asteroid Asclepius came within 425,000 miles of colliding with us. It wasn’t noticed until nine days after the closest approach. Yikes!

compact vacuum monochromator Compact deep UV monochromator works as spectrograph with direct detection CCDs too! It uses masterpiece aberration corrected diffraction gratings to improve performance. Optimized for the ultraviolet, each calibrated instrument is ready for CCD or scanning applications between 30~1100 nanometers. An improved grating turret is available for more range while under vacuum.

post on LinkedIn Spectral bandwidth is important in spectroscopy. It is related to instrument slit-width and reciprocal dispersion of the monochromator system. Both quantities rely on the groove density of the diffraction grating, the instrument focal length, and so on. Usually defined in . . .read more

We're here to discuss spectroscopy systems. Call today 1-800-255-1055