Summertime spectrometers, myriad applications
-----------------------------------------Imaging spectrometer for VUV | Measure and record plasma impurity emission lines from 300 to 3200 Angstroms. The 3 m f.l. instrument with 20 um entrance slit achieves 15.3 picometer spectral resolution FWHM. Vertical range enables edge profile measurement and full profile measurements that cover an entire vertical size of the plasma
----------------------------------------June 18, Dragon Boat Festival, China (some nice photos)
----------------------------------------June 21, Summer solstice is at 6:07 AM . . . from Greensboro to Times-Square, celebration is in the air! :)
-----------------------------------------Direct detection CCD + Software for SXR Spectrometers | Add-In for Princeton Instruments’ LightField software now controls McPherson’s deep UV and soft X-ray spectrometers. This Add-In keeps LightField's easy setup and other to exclusive features like real-time math engine, SmartSearch, and the virtual optical bench.
-----------------------------------------Triple monochromator for Raman spectroscopy | Struggling with low signal Raman and PL spectra? Get unparalleled light gathering power and f/number with versatile McPherson triple spectrometers. All have tunable wavelength. From well below 200 nm deep UV and to the long wave infrared. Call or email today to get the story
----------------------------------------June 21, International Yoga Day, Worldwide. Shout out to BeTheChange, HotYogaFactory and Enso Yoga