They say December will be a dark month. What did you expect from 2020? The new moon mid-month may help us see the Geminid and Ursid meteor showers. On the solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will appear closer to one another than they have since the middle ages! I’ve heard it said, where the eyes look the body follows. Look up! Look up with hope and cautious optimism. From our team to yours, happy holidays! All the best for the coming new year. Stay safe.
Deep UV wavelengths from 115 to 350 nanometers are emitted by the McPherson model 634 deuterium source. It has a magnesium fluoride front window and operates at 30 watts. This light source package comes with source, power supply, cables and housing. Inquire about adapting to commercial ISO or CF vacuum flanges. The 634 light source is also available as a calibrated absolute radiance standard.
f/2 optical system delivers more light in signal limited applications. The McPherson model 272 monochromator contains a large 100 mm DIA diffraction grating. This guarantees a large f/2 solid angle of light collection. The gratings aberration corrected design improves the spectral resolution of this high throughput optical system. The 272 is available for UV-Vis-NIR wavelengths.
Don't get stuck in a wormhole!? Today is both "Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day" and also "National Bartender Day". This sounds like an interesting combination. How far can you take it? Just send photos. . .
Improved sensitivity around 10 eV with the latest direct-detection BEN type CCD sensors. Uncoated back-illuminated deep-depletion sensors now allow higher energy photons to pass into the active silicon to be absorbed, providing higher QE than previous BN types.
Laser interaction, high harmonic generation, plasmas, luminescence, and more can be measured with our VUV Spectroscopy Workstation. The diagnostic system equips the spectrometer with a sensitive CCD detector for rapid detection of spectral emission. The analytical system comes with a deep UV light source and is configured for measuring transmission, photocathode response, and reflection. Let us know what you need to measure, maybe we can help.
Scientists from Northland College discovered if you shine a UV light on a platypus it will glow green. Until now, bio-fluorescence had not been seen in mammals. Researchers from the Western Australian Museum have verified the claim and found several Australian mammals and marsupials luminesce.
Get in touch if you think we can help. Meantime, happy holidays and all the best for the coming new year!