A Brief History of our Products
- 1954- McPherson develops a vacuum grazing incidence spectrometer for Air Force Cambridge Research Lab and launches
into space with an Aerobe rocket
1959- The First Seya Namioka spectrometer built by McPherson is introduced and installed at Naval Research Lab (NRL)
- 1964- Air Force Cambridge Research Lab receives a McPherson original 6.65-meter focal length normal incidence vacuum EAGLE spectrograph/spectrometer
- 1964- Naval Research Lab receives first McPherson 2.2-meter focal length laboratory grazing vacuum spectrometer
- 1965- National Bureau of Standards installs a McPherson 6.6 meter normal incidence monochromator for analysis of standard line measurements with high resolution
- 1965- McPherson installs several normal incidence and Seya type monochromators on the Wisconsin Synchrotron
- 1966- Rockefeller Institute receives Schoeffel’s first mini-monochromator
- 1967- McPherson 1-meter normal incidence spectrometer is installed at India’s atomic energy facility in Bombay
- 1967- National Bureau of Standards receives the first McPherson 10 meter focal length grazing vacuum spectrograph
- 1968- Wisconsin University receives the first Schoeffel mini-double Czerny-Turner monochromator
- 1969- UCLA receives 6 spectrometers for fusion diagnostics
- 1969- The first Schoeffel HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography) prototype spectroflow monitor was introduced
- 1970- First ESCS 2.5 electron impact spectrometer installed at Bell Labs
- 1970- Naval Research Labs receives ESCA 36 electron impact spectrometer
- 1970- The ESCS 2.5, a McPherson design, receives IR (industrial Research) most significant product award
- 1970/71- Accelerator at MIT receives 2.2 meter soft X-ray spectrometer
- 1972- Bumpy Torus Oak Ridge receives 1 meter normal incidence X-ray spectrometer
- 1974- The Schoeffel SF770 spectroflow monitor wins an IR award of the year
- 1974- SLAC receives McPherson designed 1 meter Seya-Namioka spectrometer for the linear accelerator
- 1974- Desy Synchrotron in Germany receives 3 meter McPherson spectrometer
- 1976/77- Lawrence Livermore receives 225.3; high resolution normal incidence monochromator
- 1977- The Schoeffel FS970 fluorescence detector wins one of the year’s outstanding product awards of IR
- 1978- McPherson installs 2 meter UHV normal incidence unit at SURF – the Synchrotron at National Bureau of Standards
- 1978- SLAC Stanford linear accelerator gets first McPherson grasshopper grazing spectrometer
- 1979- Los Alamos/Sandia and NRL receive theta pinch and laser oblation experiment diagnostics monochromator
- 1979- Hot fusion experimental reactor in Austin Texas is equipped with several McPherson spectral analyzers
- 1980- Daresbury Labs England receives a McPherson 5-meter UHV normal incidence monochromator
- 1981- The fusion reactor at Princeton University installs 3 McPherson flat field diagnostic spectrometers (SPRED’s)
- 1984- The Italian fusion reactor at Frascati receives a McPherson ‘swinging’ diagnostic MCP and PDA equipped ultra high vacuum spectrometer (13 have since been supplied for major fusion experiments around the world)
- 1984/86- China research center receives McPherson’s advanced 3-meter focal length normal incidence vacuum spectrometer, as well as 8 other instruments
- 1989- Max Planck Institute for Plasma Research in Germany receives two McPherson 2.2-meter grazing incidence diagnostic spectrometers which feature pivoting curved ways and dual MCPS
- 1992- Bessy Synchrotron in Germany (Berlin) receives McPherson’s UHV Imeter focal length normal incidence spectrometer for standardizing detectors
- 1993- Synchrotron at Louisiana State University (CAMD) receives McPherson designed plane grating beam line monochromator (PGM)
- 1993- IBM (beam line 8) at Berkeley (Advanced Light Source) receives McPherson designed spherical grating monochromator (SGM)
- 1994- Berkeley (Advanced Light Source) receives 6.5-Meter Normal Incidence Eagle monochromator
- 1995- 3-meter normal incidence monochromator (NIM) to POSTECH, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Korea
- 1995/96- Beam Line Systems and unique mirror manipulator chambers and water-cooled energy slits to NSLS Brookhaven National Laboratory
- 1997/1998- SGM high energy variable entrance/exit slit systems to Storage Ring SSRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- 1999- Dual Beam, 115-380 nm, Vacuum Ultraviolet Test Station Introduced
- 2000- Hong Kong University receives fiber optic environmental test station
- 2001- McPherson ships the tenth vacuum UV spectrophotometer to lithography community
- 2001- Nikon and Canon acquire Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorbance Spectrophotometers (VUVaS) with large sample chambers
- 2002- University of Hamburg receives UT3 ultimate triple monochromator equipped with aspheres throughout
- 2002- Duke U. gets double, vacuum mono for Raman at FEL
- 2002- Brown U. gets multiple remote sensing spectrometers for work with comet collisions and Deep Impact program
- 2003- Schott GmbH receives VUVaS vacuum spectrophotometer for mapping glass quality
- 2004- JET receives 500mm f/3.5 diagnostic spectrometer for tokamak plasma
- 2005- SUNY gets 4-channel fluorometer for airborne atmospheric monitoring
- 2005- ANKA (Karlsruhe) gets 27m beamline for soft x-ray region
- 2005- ALS gets 3m UHV normal incidence monochromator
- 2006- CASA gets vacuum monochromator for calibration of Cosmic Origin Spectrograph for Hubble Telescope
- 2006- HL-2A tokamak (China) gets 1m vacuum diagnostic monochromator
- 2006- AFRL uses McPherson systems for calibration in the Hyperspectral Exploitation Program (SVD)
- 2007- National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore receives optical diagnostic spectrometers
- 2010- National Research Council Canada gets 350-mm Double monochromators
- 2010- Polish Academy of Sciences receives vacuum ultraviolet luminescence test system for research in improved efficiency lighting and phosphors
- 2011- ASIPP Institute of Plasma Physics contracts for massively multi-fiber spectrometer for optical diagnstics at EAST superconducting tokamak
- 2011- University of Colorado receives high performance triple monochromator with vacuum UV capability
- 2012- Massachusetts Institute of Techology contracts for a unique Off-plane conical dispersion spectrometer for ARPES and PES experiments
- 2013- National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) receives a double-spectrometer, collimator and goniometric test system
- 2014- Princeton Plasma Physics Lab / Lawrence Livermore receives diagnostic flat field spectrograph
- 2015- University of Liege CSL takes delivery of one meter monochromator for FUV ICON satelite callibration
- 2016- NASA goddard receives VUVAS 10x with one meter monochromator
- 2017- Callaghan Innovations takes delivery of a one meter astigmatic monochromator for Standards New Zealand
- 2018- Soreq, Israel takes delivery of a one meter soft x ray grazing incident monochromator
- 2018- Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics takes delivery of a VUVAS spectrophotometer to make measurements of minerals and mineral-ice mixtures