350mm focal length monochromator / spectrometer, McPherson Model 2035D

Model 2035 Double Monochromator for Additive or Subtractive Mode Operation

The Model 2035 focal length is 350-mm and the double spectrometer can be configured for additive/dual dispersion or non-additive / subtractive dispersion. Optically and mechanically coupled Czerny-Turner spectrometers are equipped with choice of ruled or holographic gratings to suit the application. Spectrally agile, the model 2035D features an all first surface optical system (Al+MgF2 coatings) for complete UV-VIS-NIR response.

Model 2035D PDF Data Sheet

Specifications & Additional Information:

Specifications for Single Monochromator

Optical DesignCzerny-Turner Monochromator / Spectrometer
Focal Length350mm
Aperture Ratiof/4.8 (NA 0.1)
Wavelength Rangerefer to grating of interest for range
Wavelength Accuracy+/-0.2-nm (on counter, with 1200 G/mm grating)
Wavelength Reproducibility+/- 0.005 nm (with 1200 G/mm grating)
Grating Size68 x 68mm, with turret or single grating holder
Slit LocationsAxial and lateral with optional extra entrance and exit port selection mirrors
Focal Plane25mm, multiply Dispersion by detector width to solve simultaneous range

Performance with various diffraction gratings:

Grating Groove Density (g/mm) 3600 2400 1800 1200 600 300 150 75 50
Spectral Resolution at 312.6nm (nm, FWHM) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2
Reciprocal Linear Dispersion (nm/mm) 0.66 1 1.3 2 4 8 16 32 48
Wavelength Range from 185nm to * 430nm 650nm 860nm 1.3 um 2.6 um 5.2 um 10.4 um 20.8 um 31.2 um
First Order Littrow Blaze (nm) 200nm240nmHolo250nm300nm 750nm1.25um2um45um
240nm300nm300nm500nm 1.0um2.5um3.0um
HoloHolo500nm750nm 3.0um4.0um8.0um
750nm1.0um 4.0um6.0um10um
1.0um1.85um 8um12um

Outline Drawing

McPherson Model 2035 350mm f.l. Spectrometer

Select Publications

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