Driving Directions

Directions from the Boston International Airport (Logan Airport):
(During non-rush hours it should take about 45 minutes)

  1. From the airport exit, take Route 1A South to the Summer Tunnel ($3.50 toll)
  2. Stay in left lane through tunnel
  3. Merge on access ramp to Route 1 North (also called I-93 North-elevated at this point)
  4. Drive about 11 miles to Route 128 (also called I-95) and exit south
  5. Drive about 6 miles to Route 3 (not 3A), exit 32A, and exit north
  6. Drive about 10 miles to Route 129, exit 29, and turn right at the end of the ramp (you now are on the above map)
  7. Drive ½ mile to Alpha Road and turn left
  8. Drive ¼ mile to Stuart Road and turn left
  9. McPherson is the second building on your right. Main entrance is through the glass enclosed foyer

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